Cody Payne's e-Portfolio

Work Ethic and
Personal Responsibility

It is my opinion that integrity plays the most important role in any given situation . Whether it be a job, school, inter-social conflict, or any number of day to day routines, integrity is key. It is when you have no malicious intent and no interest in personal gain that you will get the most out of life. You have to always do your best  no matter what.The human experience is a complex, thrilling, and short ride. I want to make my experience in this time and place the best that I possibly can, I want it to be worthwhile. I feel like there is an energy within us that is wild and chaotic and full of incoherent and almost nonsensical feelings, its funny and sometimes curiously intense and its absolutely perfect and beautiful all the same.  I want to create. Creation is the basis of existence. I want to evolve creation. Whatever the appropriate medium may be, I want to portray the nuances of the human experience. Traditional art mediums like painting, sculpting, or drawing are great tools for self-expression, they have substantial depth and complexity and can create entire realms of existence in the perception of the viewer. They are limited, however, by the fact that they are stationary, they are commonly seen from minimal angles. There is one medium that is not restricted by those perceptual limitations though, that medium is film. Film is always moving and always changing. One film can have the intensity and complexity of a thousand paintings. Film is a collaborative art as well, it often takes at least dozens of people if not hundreds to create a film with artistic integrity. One flaw of film is that it is an over used and exploited form of art. Through this century it has been capitalized into a huge industry that has grown and become the"Entertainment Industry" of today. In my life I want the means to do whatever it is I want to do, whatever that may be. I want to be able to create, with integrity, anything that comes through me.